
This is our gallery in which you can find pictures of Elton John throughout his career. Also, you will see that Elton John is and was a very flamboyant artist with a lot of wild looks. Elton John once mentioned a couple of reasons why he wears such 'weird' costumes: "When I was a kid I wasn't allowed wearing the clothes I wanted" and "My stage setup is not extraordinary and since I'm stuck behind a grand piano I want to give the audience something to look at". Aditionally, Elton said that some of these costumes were made to hide the fact that he was very big, especially in the late 80's. Enjoy!

Here are a little taste of the huge gallery we have one here. Further down is a complete gallery! The pictures are ordered into years so you can find pictures from your favorite year! A big thank you goes to Ollie who has contributed with so many rare pictures!