Before I return to the 70s and 80s uploads (I've been getting many requests for stuff in those decades), I thought I would upload the final Atlantic City show of 1990! This is Elton's final "true" concert before his rehab (he would only make an appearance at Knebworth Park after this show)! The quality is good--but the taper must have been having a bad day with his tape machine: The mix warps from stereo to mono throughout the recording, and sometimes the pitch fluctuates on songs. This may cause the listening experience to be a bit rough--but it shouldn't be too bad! Elton's voice sounds a little rough-around-the-edges, but it's still in good shape. Like the other two Atlantic City shows, the effects of his drug/alcohol use are noticeable on this concert (making up lyrics and music on songs)!

- Greg, GregsynthWizard