Now, here is an upload for those of you who like Elton's young voice! The concert in question is Copenhagen 1st of March 1971. Many sources claim that Elton first played in Denmark in 1979, but here's the proof that Elton played in Denmark in 1971. Elton played in the beautiful surroundings of the amusement park Tivoli Gardens at an open-air concert. The concert features Elton's three piece band consisting of Nigel Olsson, the late Dee Murray, and of course Elton himself. The recording is in pretty good quality and the only thing is that the person who's recording is chatting a bit once in a while. It may also be a bit bass heavy. I'm not sure if Elton played more, but there's only these six songs available and the last song (My Baby Left Me) has a cut. I think he played more since it would be a bit odd only to play for 30 minutes, but we should enjoy what we have. 

Now onto the concert itself. Elton's voice is in good shape, though being rough at spots. Elton's voice is still very light and tender which is Elton's trademark at this particular time along with the band. Elton's voice is known for its fast changes and it's hard to believe that the present Elton had this voice 41 years ago. But the songs are good and since there are only 6 songs I will comment on every song:

Your Song: Elton's opener and his biggest hit at that time. The audience welcomes the song good and Elton sings a good rendition of the song. Also, Elton is starting to become very popular and he feels more and more comfortable onstage though he is not that talkative, but it will come later on during the years. 

Can I Put You On: A song from the soundtrack for the film Friends which was only played during 1970, 1971, and 1972. This is a great song and since it may not be that well-known in the audience they appear to enjoy it and have a great time! It's not hard to feel that they have a good time onstage. 

Border Song: Great version with some great inputs from Dee and Elton. Some great phrasing can be found on this version. I consider this version to be a bit over sung, but it works all the way through but it's not much similar to the album. 

Honky Tonk Women: Seems to be quite a surprise to the audience which apparently likes the song. I'm glad that Elton chose to tour with this song for some years as it has this awesome a cappella intro with some nice glissandos. On this version Elton also makes some nice falsettos which he nails completely! A really nice version of a great rock song. And a nice bluesy outro from Elton with him being creative with his voice. The Rolling Stones would be proud! 

Take Me To The Pilot: Does someone know what music pieces Elton plays before Take Me To The Pilot. There seems to be a couple of numbers. However, a nice little intro to the song. Some really nice bass from Dee (Dee Murray has to be my all-time favorite bass player and for the next 20 years he would have a huge impact on Elton's music along with him taking bass playing to a whole new standard!). Some nice improvisations and jams from the band -- especially on the piano! 

My Baby Left Me: Just before he begins the song Elton makes a good chromatic scale which he would use much more in 1986. It's basically that he plays every key on the way down the keyboard. I've always loved this song and Elton, Nigel, and Dee makes it much more energetic and fun!

- Emil, EltonJohnGigs