After staying on the sidelines for a while (Holidays, work, working on projects, seeing other Youtube channels, etc), I am back to uploading Elton John shows on a regular basis! Since I'm not known for posting 1970s shows all that much, I'd thought that I would throw out a wild-card--Elton's 1978 MCA Convention show! This is a very fun (albeit pretty short) show from Captain Fantastic, and it's really cool to hear Elton John solo! There are only 13 tracks on this recording--I believe that this is all that exists from this show. The quality is fairly good--so everybody can hear the songs! Elton is promoting his album "A Single Man," and he has a blast performing to the crowd at the Century Plaza Hotel! Elton often makes witty conversations with the crowd between songs (which alone makes this recording worth listening to), and appreciates the people working with him (he thanks Bernie, Gary Osbourne, his sound-man, etc).

Elton's voice is in great shape, and sings great versions of "Bennie And The Jets," "Ego" (which actually has a sensible tempo!!!), "Candle In The Wind," and "Your Song." This recording (and Paris 1978), contains the last known instances of Elton with his "classic voice" (before it would strengthen and mature).

Note: Elton forgets the lyrics to "Sixty Years On" and mumbles through! He acknowledges this (and other lyric flaws) to the crowd's amusement!

- Greg, GregsynthWizard