After a long time off absence, it's time to upload another show. Syracuse, NY, 18th of April 2000! Elton's first appearance at the building for 28 years! RonnieFriend has already uploaded this show, but now you'll get it from me. I have to tell you that this show is one of my favorites from the Medusa tour and if you prefer Elton solo I can only recommend this show for you. The show is got of great quality despite being an audience recording. 

The show features a great set list which is rather long and great. We also have a fantastic version of Someday Out Of The Blue played from The Road To El Dorado. 
Throughout the show Elton sounds great and he is in excellent shape! Elton sounds very strong right from the beginning and delivers great renditions of all of the songs. On the last "so very far behind" in Skyline Pigeon, however, Elton attempts to sing it up in the high notes, but I can't tell whether it's the recording or it's Elton failing. It sounds like his voice it cracking like a little teenager's. 
What I love about this period of time is that Elton is fantastic on the piano and very creative. This creativity is particularly featured in Bennie And The Jets where there are these awesome licks Elton uses a lot. Also there's plenty of improvisation on various blues scales. Simply fantastic! This version of Bennie And The Jets is one of the best versions ever played solo! 
Additionally, Elton have some of his last really great vocal years as he could still hit many high notes and sometimes he uses tiny falsettos. His voice would later on around 2003 descend to the voice we know today which in fact still can get into falsettos, but have some roughness. 
Other memorable moments from this show is Harmony, which has to be one the best versions, Philadelphia Freedom, Honky Cat, with many of the previously mentioned licks, Rocket Man (Oh My GOD!) and Burn Down The Mission, with a fantastic solo. Basically the whole show is memorable in its own way. And the very enthusiastic audience makes this show even better! Wonder how great it would feel to get such a strong feedback for your material. Stunning. 
Blessed is a bit confusing because it seems like Elton doesn't remember some chords at some places during the song which annoys me a bit, but still a great performance. 
Empty Garden makes one of the great highlights of the show. Fantastic performance and with that audience!

Note 1 -- Elton finds promoting boring. Hence Someday Out Of The Blue.

- Emil, EltonJohnGigs