Now to the next upload. Toronto 2001! This show was played on the 6th of October 2001. The sound quality is not the best but it's still okay to listen to and we have an interesting setlist. 
The first thing to say about this show is that Elton is in his usual great vocal shape. I think Elton has been in a great vocal shape for almost 20 years, but he did have some bad vocal performances during the Ray Cooper tour in the fall of 2009. I have a couple of these shows on my channel. Back to this show. 
The album 'Songs From The West Coast' had just come out 5 days before this show and Elton starts criticizing the U.S. government before playing 'Ballad Of The Boy In The Red Shoes'. He basically says that during the 80's the government didn't do anything about the AIDS epidemic that happened at that time which was a disgrace. We also have probably the only performance of the song 'Mansfield' which is very well performed. Elton doesn't do his cool piano intros before playing 'Take Me To The Pilot' and 'Your Song' doesn't feature the band which I like very much. 

- Emil, EltonJohnGigs