Hello subscribers! If you thought Sydney 1982 was an excellent concert, then this concert will absolutely blow you away! We have excellent quality, this recording is complete, a great crowd, and some of the best music being played on the 1985-1986 tour! Are there ANY negatives about this concert? Hell no! With the exception of Elton's voice being in terrible shape (which hits multiple notes throughout the show), this concert is absolutely amazing--and should NOT be skipped!

All right, time for some serious business: Elton played five consecutive shows (though on October 9th, he was on The Joan Rivers Show) at the Universal Amphitheater in Los Angeles (Good GOD that man is crazy)! Although this seems like a brilliant idea on paper, it doesn't go well for Elton's voice: Vocal nodules have developed, and slam into his vocal cords during the course of this show (and the next one as well)! The results are often horrible to listen to, and are sometimes amusing! Not only that, but most likely due to being coked off his face, Elton oversings many songs during this show--and combining that with his bad voice, you get some of the worst performances on the entire tour!

"Tonight" and "One Horse Town" don't sound great (though the former has falsetto notes--how he managed to hit those escapes my mind), "Better Off Dead" sounds awful (and is one of the worst versions ever), "Philadelphia Freedom" has random F#s in the song and has 3rd octave notes being aired, "Paris" is oversung (which doesn't work), "Restless" is oversung to death, "Sad Songs (Say So Much)" doesn't sound too hot, "This Town" isn't too great, "I'm Still Standing" sounds awful with all those angry birds replacing Elton's voice, "Nikita" sounds awful, "Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting" is one of the worst versions ever (wrong notes, wrong lyrics, and random phrasing), "Candle In The Wind" doesn't sound great with Elton's bad voice, and "Can I Get A Witness" is the worst version ever (it would make Marvin Gaye roll in his grave)!

There are positives though: Elton delivers excellent musical versions of "Bennie And The Jets," and "Rocket Man!" The "Levon" is actually one of the better ones on the tour (he doesn't sound too bad), and he gives decent versions of "Burn Down The Mission," "Love Song," and "Your Song!" Also, the musicianship on stage is fantastic!

- Greg, GregsynthWizard

Now, as I'm in partial need of cheering up (bad day today), I am going to do a double upload of two of my personal favourite shows ever! The two Los Angeles shows from 1986 with both of them taking place at the Universal Amphitheatre! The show is in fantastic quality and the whole gig is complete!

From the start of this gig, Elton sounds bad due to vocal nodules slamming against his throat but his voice does get slightly better as the show progresses. However, with his voice declining, Elton still attempts to go for higher notes in songs which mainly sound horrible but amazingly, Elton still has SOME falsetto (used in Tonight and Philadelphia Freedom). Also, compared to the show at Oakland from a week earlier (I will upload that as soon as I have it!) his voice is a million times worse!

Onto proceedings, Tonight is pretty bad but as I mentioned above, he does hit the two A4 falsettos which is surprising, One Horse Town with the pre-Australia signs plus what doesn't help is Elton practically shouting during the guitar solo to clear his voice, Better Off Dead which in my opinion is the worst version ever as he has no vocal quality to pull off the song as the nodules have affected his soft-tone, Rocket Man with fantastic music but terrible vocals but at least he is more stable here than on other versions, 
Philadelphia Freedom with wrong notes, falsetto plus Elton giving out which makes it an awful version but not as bad as others on the tour, Burn Down The Mission which is one of the better songs of the night but still not the best, Someone Saved My Life Tonight with over singing that doesn't work but to defend Elton, his voice doesn't give out, The Bitch Is Back which is actually a good performance compared to previous ones on the tour plus the energy on the song is nice, the medley with a bad Song For You, Blue Eyes which is alright but I've heard better and I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues which isn't the best version by any means!

The set continues with the most surprising performance of the night which goes to Levon as Elton's voice has cleared up enough for him to deliver the song effectively so I rate this version pretty high for his vocal condition, Paris isn't his finest hour as he hits too many sharp notes plus oversinging with a bad voice is a bad idea, Restless where he is so obnoxious with the oversinging, Bennie And The Jets which is my favourite performance of the night as Elton does a decent job singing it with his voice but what makes it so great is the piano solo which is fantastic and I cannot give enough superlatives to these late 1986 improvisations!

Love Song is a nice performance as it isn't demanding on Elton's voice however Sad Songs (Say So Much) is one of the worst performances of the night with the intro being cringe-worthy plus the song doesn't get much better, This Town with excellent keyboards from Fred Mandel plus Elton pulls the song off "ok", I'm Still Standing with excellent music but the vocals from Elton are horrendous with angry birds galore plus trying to sing the end part like 1985 versions doesn't help, Nikita with rough vocals plus bad intonation, Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting with Elton being all over the place vocally but musically there is nothing wrong with it, Candle In The Wind with horrible tone, Daniel which is one of the worst versions ever as Elton gives out badly near the end, Your Song which he pulls off nicely considering how bad his voice is and as a surprise for the crowd, Elton decides to perform Can I Get A Witness for the first time since Detroit but sadly for him, it results in it becoming the worst version ever as he cannot sing the song! Enjoy the show!

Note 1 - Elton causes controversy in the band intro at Jody Linscott's expense! Plus Ray Cooper is missed!

Note 2 - The speeches between Paris and Restless may demonstrate why Elton lost his voice!

- Adam, Elton Bootlegs